Chunk had a long weekend, the weather was freezing and he drank a bit too much. Now Monday is here and he's way behind schedule and just choosing his shuffle of the day at 1:30! He's a mess. I may have to trade him in for someone that can handle their liquor, like
Chelsea Handler. Now that Chunk got his shiz together, he spun the wheel and chose
Jason Mraz's "Hey Love" from his Live & Acoustic album (the first one) as the shuffle of the day. Jason may have hit it big with that chick last year (Colbie Callllllllaattt sp???) but I still dig his voice and his lyrics. Who can turn away from "turn my head and cough" or "if you like the way i'm thinking baby wink at it." This song shows the softer, more emotional (aka gay side) of JM. You may need to crank this up a bit to hear it.
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