Sep 27, 2010

Introducing: Blue Sky Black Death

Sometimes in the world, you can't always get what you want, this lady knows what I'm talkin about! Anyway, the point is life isn't fair. On the flip-side of that, sometimes you get exactly what you want! I nearly lost my shit when I first listened to Blue Sky Black Death, a San Francisco-based electronic/instrumental duo (Kingston and Young God). I've had their newest release Third Party for about a week now, and they are already an installation in my permanent rotation.

Granted, I don't quite understand the lyrics to the fullest extent - Your common cold is my Trojan horse to feed - (?!) (From Carl Sagan, Track 1). Don't try Googling that btw, you'll just be annoyed at how the internet can't keep up with your underground interest in music. Why are you so behind Google?!?! WHY!!?


Back to BSBD. Blue Sky Black Death's unique sound is like if you take the bizarreness out of Bjork's calmer songs, and mixed it with relaxing smooth melodies of Animal Collective. Mix that in with occasional eery vocals and ponderous lyrics (some songs are solely instrumental, and sometimes we don't know what the instrument is to begin with). The band's history is almost exclusively abstract hip-hop, but this album is a synth-pop dream.

BSBD is signed to Fake Four Inc., so back off blood-sucking record labels trying to steal someone else's candy, just ask this maniac. No, don't he's a psycho, in a Joaquin Phoenix sort of way. So give them a listen. Below is my personal favorite Institution (Track 5), and the music video & free download for Carl Sagan (Track 1).


Anonymous said...

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which I often use for my hip projects.

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