Oct 22, 2010

Chunk's Truffle Shuffle: Sugarland

It's been awhile since Chunk has spun the wheel that is my iTunes shuffle button and picked a daily song. There's been so much good music this fall that it's hard to get some of that older stuff we love so much out here for you all to hear.  Driving into work this morning, in the rain, I heard Every Girl Like Me, from the incredible country duo Sugarland.  The first 10 seconds or so, I immediately thought "Oh yesss!  Matt Nathanson's "Come On Get Higher!"  Boy was I wrong.  This song is perfect for a rainy (or even sunny) Friday morning.  Their latest album, The Incredible Machine, was released this past Tuesday and has even more pop-rock appeal than ever before.  Anyone who claims they're not a country fan will be upon first listen of this album.  I for one can say that I'm proud to be (and always have been) a Sugarland fan.  Happy Friday!

Sugarland - Every Girl Like Me


Anonymous said...

Do you people have a facebook fan page? I looked for one on twitter but could not discover one, I would really like to become a fan!

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