Pink is going to be gifting the world with not just one new song on her Greatest Hits...So Far album. She's giving us four! Snippets of the new songs have been posted on various sites & people are going ba-nanas over the new tracks. Besides the already radio smash hit Raise Your Glass, other tracks will include Heartbreak Down (UK & International releases only), Fuckin' Perfect (my favorite & in typical Pink style for a love song) and Whataya Want From Me (UK & International releases only). Whataya Want From Me was originally intended for Pink's Funhouse album but was cut -- some of you may realize Adam Lambert recorded the song for his own album. Some critics & fans on the net are saying Pink has gone too pop and off the mainstream edge but I strongly disagree. Pink is still in her realm of great songs, showcasing her incredible spirit, talent and amazing voice. Her video for Raise Your Glass (inspired by the underdogs of our world) will be released on November 1st! For now, enjoy these three 30 second clips of her new songs.
Pink - Whataya Want From Me
Pink - Heartbreak Down
Pink - Fuckin' Perfect
i think p!nk is realy big hit in the usa and uk well everywere realy everyone says she is realy nasty and swears a lot but i have saw lots of interviews and she is realy comical and polite i think im p!nks biggest fan i have been to every concert but 1 thing she loves is taking the mikki out of people but i think her having a baby might change her a little but it will prove to everyone she is realy caring xxx
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