Let me just start out by saying John Mayer is the worst. I think it goes without saying that this is a well known fact. Yeah his music is cute, and he dates celebrities. But you can't hide his self-satisfied smug garbage behind a box with strings tied to it (A.K.A. a guitar).
Anyway, when I play William Fitzsimmons I do not think of John Mayer. Others have tried to compare the two, but halfway before these people finish that sentence, I either throw them off a roof, or hang up the phone. It's just not an accurate comparison. It's like comparing apples and oranges, or grapples to grapes, or coffee to energy drinks, or energy drinks to sleeping. I'm just never going to agree with you. Especially hyped up on all this sugar.
This article is getting a little too crass and slap-stick for how serious and beautiful Senor Fitzsimmons' music is. My current iTunes play count is nearing 300 for So This is Goodbye (Pink Ganter Remix). It's just so soothing. Generally speaking he is acoustic/folk type of music, but sometimes there are subtle electronic notes to his songs (such as one below).
Oh by the way, he was born to two blind parents, so they kept all sorts of instruments in the house, which is why he is as talented and interesting as he is, and also why I would want to meet him. FYI.
William, if you are reading this, just know that you are the most. And also come to New York.
Here is my favorite, which is more electronic than his usual songs.
Here is something more typical of him. Just beautiful.
Oh Billy, come to New York so I can see you.
Posted by Database.
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