Jan 22, 2009

Da this is making me blue, so thank you!

A friend of mine on Facebook triggered my memory today about this classic song from 1982 by the German group, Trio. "Da Da Da" was actually a hit in 1997, in more than 30 countries. It just reminds me that sometimes, a musician or a band can score a hit (maybe just a one hit wonder) with very little effort.

Now, don't get me wrong... I love Natalie Merchant.... but this song used to irritate the shit out of me. "Kind and Generous"

And who could ever forget Eifle 65? Sadly, I own both albums! There are some good dance beats on the albums.... but man, the lead singer's voice is so effing annoying! One of my friends in college once mentioned to me, "Doesn't the chorus sound like 'I'm blue & I will beat off a guy?'" Ugh- thanks for ruining this amazing song for me Ryan!

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