That is the image that presents itself to me when I listened to this song for the first time....... I've always liked Lykke Li.. and I didn't know who Kleerup was! Thanks to wikipedia....
"Andreas Kleerup, known professionally by his last name, is a Swedish record producer, drummer[1], and member of the Swedish group The Meat Boys, from Stockholm, Sweden.[2] His first mainstream collaboration was as the producer of fellow Swedish artist Robyn's #1 UK single, "With Every Heartbeat", also included on Kleerup's self titled debut album.[3]
He wrote and produced the song "Lay Me Down" with Cyndi Lauper for her 2008 album Bring Ya to the Brink. An instrumental version of the song appears on Kleerup's album under the title "Thank You for Nothing." The title is believed to be inspired by Kleerup's anger with Cyndi Lauper, for not allowing her version to appear on his album. Kleerup has recently worked with upcoming Pop Star Nicholas Strunk on his forthcoming album."
Aug 6, 2009
Windows down, cruise control on, endless winding road ahead..
Wonky Pop
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