Jul 2, 2010

New Kids on the block had a bunch of hits

Remember when these teeny-boppers were big?  Thank God Mandy Moore focused on acting and later changed her style of music.  I remember seeing her for the first time live when she opened for the Backstreet Boys Millenium Tour.  She was so young, she had to have the car pulled by another car for her video "Candy."  Who knew the 16 year old pop star would release one of the highest regarded cover albums later in her life?  Ryan Adams was a great influence on her last album (how could he not be, they're married!) and her voice definitely matured.  Coming from her first & middle real names, "Amanda Leigh" is a beautiful album and I applaud MM for releasing it.

Here's a few pop sensations and summer songs that still add a little fire to the grill (especially if you've put back a few beers).  Happy 4th of July weekend!


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