Dec 7, 2010

Natalia Kills is a "Hot Mess"

Actually, it's that other bitch in the club corner over there.  Yeah you - you're a hot mess!  Recently leaked, Hot Mess is a catchy dance jam, dark pop, with some creative dirrty lyrics, something Ke$ha would spew out.  A highlight is "bending over for the world to see your coin slot."  That really makes me giggle.  It's sure to give anyone another reason to fall in love with Natalia and a new reason to dance.  I feel as though this is Kills' U Should Know Better public service announcement.  This is the second version we've heard of Hot Mess.  We're not surprised Kills had this one redone - she is after all, a Perfectionist.  I love love love that she sings a few lines from another one of my favorite Kills' song, Free. (i look fresh in a potato sack!)


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